One of 16 fortresses built around Paris between 1840 and 1845, Fort Mont-Valérien dominates one side of a hill that reaches 162 metres (or 540 feet) at its highest point. It is home to institutions such as the 8th Régiment des Transmissions (Signal Corps), the Colombier militaire National (National Military Dovecote), the Musée de la Colombophilie militaire (a museum dedicated to the history of military carrier pigeons) and the Musée annexe des Transmissions (Signals Museum).
The 8th Signal Corps is based at Fort Mont-Valérien, in Suresnes.This is one of the most important heritage sites in the Hauts de Seine region due to its geographic location, but is also strategically important for the French defence network.
Created in 1947, the 8th Signal Corps has a flag that is unique in that it features the words "Résistance 1940-1944" within its design. It is also adorned with the the Croix de Guerre military decoration
Operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across several sites within the Greater Paris region, the Corps ensures the smooth running of the telecommunications and information systems belonging to the French Ministry of Defence. As an "inter-army" regiment, the Corps oversees telecommunications and information systems at national level, is involved in NATO systems and embassy networks, and also connects forces deployed in overseas operations. It also performs training and support tasks. The Corps is subordinate to the DIRISI (Joint Directorate of Infrastructure Networks and Information Systems).
© 8th Signal Corps
8ème Régiment de Transmissions
Forteresse du Mont-Valérien
Rue du Colonel Hubert Delestrée
Tel : +33 (0)1 41 44 53 50 / +33 (0)1 41 44 52 13
Visit the Mont-Valérien website here.
VisitingFort Mont-Valérien
Once inside the fortress, you can visit the Signals Museum, with its exhibits including radio equipment, code details, a transmitter from the Eiffel Tower, and military equipment from both World Wars. The site is also home to the last surviving military dovecote in Europe, as well as a museum dedicated to military carrier pigeons.
Organisations and schools can request to visit the museums and dovecote all year round by emailing the following address:
The Fort is only open to the public during European Heritage Days, and offers guided tours of the site.
Rue du Colonel Hubert Delestrée